Election compass
13 July 2020

In order to equip citizens with knowledge and information on political parties' programs and help voters explore which political party is closest to their views, the ISET Policy Institute participated in designing and implementing Election Compass Georgia, a collaborative effort of Georgian institutions and countries' development partner organizations.

Research on youth entrepreneurship stimulation in Georgia: understanding the barriers and recommending reform interventions
29 June 2020

Identifying barriers to youth entrepreneurship in Georgia studying the Georgian entrepreneurship ecosystem. The study aims to identify the barriers youth entrepreneurship in Georgia faces and proposes interventions, which could be led by relevant actors within the ecosystem, to overcome the challenges.

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 in the ICT sector
08 June 2020

While COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the current investment expenditure of Georgian ICT companies, investment and hiring is set to increase in the future for most firms in this sector.

Consultation for political parties
18 May 2020

ISET Policy Institute was contracted by International Republican Institute (IRI) to provide expert consultation to Georgian political parties and assist them in developing/updating party economic platforms in the run-up to the Parliamentary Elections 2020.

Developing a water policy outlook for Georgia: country assessment
25 March 2020

Assessment of the water policy needs and challenges to strengthen a long-term vision of the water policy framework of Georgia. Many countries of the Eurasia region have shown commitment to implement the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive and IWRM, and they tend to reform their water institutions and policies and develop river basin management plans in approximation with these principles.
